Sunday, November 30, 2014

Self Care... Immovable Faith

Self care involves faith in Divine Order. Faith in Spirit to lead us out of darkness, depression, or any funk we fall into. An excerpt from today's Daily Word speaks directly to that.

My faith in God is immovable. If I sense a tinge of doubt, I close my eyes and feel the presence of Spirit. As I remember that with God all things are possible, my faith is instantly renewed. Mine is an understanding faith. I may not grasp all the complexities of life, but spiritual understanding assures me that divine order is always unfolding. As I am guided to something new or even challenging, I step out in faith and expect only good.

And so, I claim my own immovable faith, and affirm that you too culture and nurture 'immovable faith' in your life.

And so it is. Thank you God, Angels, and Guides

Saturday, November 29, 2014

So very well put...

Oh my goodness. Today's Daily Word is so melodic and beautiful. While we are enjoying a lovely Fall rain, these words speak to my heart.

I join in the glorious dance of Life.
Sunlight sparkles across a blue lake. Shadows play across a wall. Winds rustle through evergreen forests. Even the busy city streets have a steady flow about them. All of life is a dance, a perfect choreography of Spirit.
With joy and delight, I step in the beautiful flow of creation. As I turn my attention to the indwelling Spirit, I sense the underlying rhythm of all living things. It is in my own breath and my own heart.
When this tempo changes on the outside, I stay attuned to my inner music­—my divine guidance. I whirl and jump through twists and turns with seamless grace. In sync with Spirit, I play my unique part in the dance of Life.
Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”—Psalm 87:7
and so it is... thank you

Friday, November 28, 2014

More on Self Care

Today's Daily Word is a message about the fundamentals of self care. That our individual connection with God, as we have come to know God in our own way, is the deepest form of self care. My awareness of God is my 'go to' when I'm stressed or in need of 'Gritty Grace'.

Sunshine on my face, a loving hug from a friend, a crackling fire, a soft blanket, soothing candlelight, a hot bath, beautiful music … all of these bring me comfort. I know how to create a nurturing environment for my body, mind, and soul. I take good care of myself with gentleness and love.
I know that just as important as what I do is the consciousness with which I do it. If I am conscious of the eternal love of Spirit, I am more deeply soothed by each activity of well-being. My awareness of God is the most fulfilling and lasting comfort of all. However I choose to soothe myself in body, mind, and soul, I do so knowing that I am eternally loved. And in the everlasting love of Spirit, all is truly well.

I invite you to practice daily Self Care by making a ritual, a deep habit, of connecting with Spirit every day.
Sweet Blessings

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gratefulness on Thanksgiving Day

In all things, I give thanks to God. Not just for today... but in every moment of every day.
I practice gratitude in all circumstances. I begin by thanking God as my omnipresent guide and source. Through the spiritual practice of thanksgiving, I move beyond doubt or worry into a place of faith and trust.
Gratitude goes beyond giving thanks for help in times of need; it is a way of life. Gratefulness is my way of being, my foundation for living.
As I give thanks, my heart and mind open to the goodness of God. I become a vessel into which divine abundance flows. My greatest blessing is the Christ Presence within—my hope, and the very essence of love and life. Every breath I take and every word I speak reflect the activity of God in me. For all of life’s blessings, I give thanks.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Not just for the holidays

I know the holidays can be a time of great expectations and tremendous stress. From anxiety over family gatherings, to stress over holiday shopping, let alone the worries over financing it all. Today's Daily Word speaks directly to those pressures....
I am guided and restored by God’s power and light.
Completing errands, shopping, planning meals, and hosting gatherings can cause stress during the holiday season. When I feel I don’t have enough time for everything, or find myself harried, I stop and take a deep breath­—then release. I let go of the day’s worries and let God restore my peace.
As I commune with God, I release my anxiety and let Spirit renew my energy. I then have the strength and calm to complete what is mine to do. Spirit is the light that guides me. When I don’t know what to do, I ask within. I let go of my way and let God shine the light of understanding in me.
My life runs smoothly as I yield to the light and power of God. In the midst of holiday busyness, I let go and let God.
And so it is!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Where ever I am, God is

These words are so true: I am never alone; God is always with me.
Wherever I am and whomever I am with, God is there. Spirit is always with me. When I walk in the woods, sit by a stream, or hear a beautiful birdsong, I sense the presence of the Divine.
If I ever feel separate from others, I consider whether I am holding thoughts of separation, such as judgments or comparisons. I release them and remember the Truth: whomever I am with, God is there. I affirm: I am one with God and with all people.
I soften my gaze and look again at the people around me. I behold Spirit expressing as them. I relax and feel my oneness with others and with all of life. I enjoy being together with others. All of life shares divinity—we are always together in God.
Next time I'm feeling sorry for myself, or feel left out, or even have doubts about just about anything, it will serve me very well to remember, where ever I am, God is, and THAT'S THE TRUTH!
Sweet Blessings

Sunday, November 23, 2014


As I'm feeling frustrated by my lack of willpower when it comes to my eating habits, I read today's Daily Word... and hopefully, the seeds of Light will prevail in my life.
I use my human willpower to act on divine ideas in the world.
My human willpower helps me to accomplish things in the world. When I align it with the power of God, I can do anything.
Will is the capacity to make choices, and I use it to shape my ideas and my life. When I act on a thought, I bring it to life. I use this power to make healthy choices, choose positive thoughts, or focus on a goal and achieve it. With the ability of will, I direct my life. I make wise choices to be the best person I can be.
I align my willpower with the power of God. In prayer and meditation, I listen to divine ideas of peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, and love. I choose to act on these divine ideas for myself and others, even in difficulties. In this way, I manifest Spirit in the world.

And so, I set my intention to make healthy choices and to choose positive thinking around the choices I make in my eating.

Thank you God, Angels, and Guides.
And so it is.

Friday, November 21, 2014

'Write it Down'.... today's Daily Word

Oh my gosh. This morning's daily word speaks to my heart, and my daily practice of writing each morning and each evening. I so highly encourage you to create a God Journal, a place to write down your thankfulness and appreciation, to write out your prayers for yourself and others. Here's what it says....
I can do all things through Christ in me.
Today I let the power of my words flow. I write down my ideas as they come to me, recording my special needs and desires. I write an original message of Truth for myself.
If I need healing, I create a simple healing statement—God is my health. I write it down and add my healing thoughts and prayers. If I seek greater harmony, prosperity, or peace, I write about the fulfillment of that need—God is healing me now. Love harmonizes my relationships. I am prospered by divine ideas. I abide in the peace of God. I read my affirmations aloud, and envision good results.
I may also find a Bible verse that speaks to my heart and fits my need. When I put my faith into words, I call forth the creative power of Spirit in me.
Be doers of the word.—James 1:22
Sometimes it's just a few words... but the practice of writing to God, my Angels, and Guides has been with me most of my adult life.

Sweet blessings...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is success?

Some would say success is measured by things, money, relationship. Of course Love. 
I think success is also about how I apply my talents and abilities to my daily life, my work, and my relationships. I feel so fortunate, at this stage of life, to be retired, yet still filling my days with meaningful work. I am free to both serve in volunteer positions, helping people, and, I'm free to spend days in my studio creating spiritual art.
  So, today's Daily Word speaks deeply to this time in my life...

My work is more than a source of supply; it is also a source of fulfillment. My work gives me the opportunity to use the talents and abilities God has given me. When I use my gifts to serve and bring joy to others, I have a sense of accomplishment—I achieve true success.
No job needs to be boring or humdrum. If I feel my work does not give me the opportunity to grow, I pray for a change. In the meantime, I do the best I can right where I am and thank God for my job every day. I bring happiness to the people I serve.
Today I put my heart into what I do, knowing that true success comes from the inside. I am blessed to be of service in the world!
  My prayer is that you also find success and true bliss in your work.
Sweet blessings.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Self Care and Girtty Grace

Self care also means having courage to persevere when troubles get you down. It's important to remember to allow ourselves to be infused with Spirit,  which will strengthen and inspire, imbuing us with 'Gritty Grace', as I like to call it.
 When learning to fly, a fledgling bird often needs prompting from its mother to try again if it has fallen. Life has its challenges, but even when I feel defeated, I do not allow discouraging thoughts to hold me down. God is my greatest support; I am inspired with the courage to persevere.
Deep at the center of my being lies a powerhouse of encouragement. In prayer, I turn away from self-defeating thoughts and tap in to the divine spark in my heart that burns with optimism, and fuels me forward.
From this higher vantage point, setbacks become stepping-stones. I spread my wings with confidence—nothing can hold me back. Spirit uplifts me and carries me forward.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gentleness... 1st step in Self Care

To make a difference in the world, or to be 'on purpose', Self Care is vital. If we don't take care of ourselves, we may not be able to care for others, family, friend, or community. Today's Daily Word speaks of gentleness towards self. This is the place to start.
 Gentleness toward myself is an act of self-love and the first step toward compassion for others. Jesus proclaimed that all humans belong to one spiritual family. His teachings were about gentleness, compassion, and love among people.
  I practice gentleness by first noticing my feelings. If I feel anger, I look for the causes within. I meditate, pray, or write in a journal. With time and patience, I may discover my inner child calling for love. I comfort this part of me with utmost tenderness, as if caressing my soul with the delicate touch of a feather.
   As I nurture my inner child, my anger subsides. I am healed inside and feel at home within myself. Any sense of separation dissolves; I belong to myself and to humanity.
  May you be gentle with yourself, for today. Make it your practice.
  Namaste and Sweet Blessings

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A teaching day....

I treasure all my learning experiences. And, today, I am the one teaching. As I prepare for today's workshop, teaching people how to create their own Spirit Doll, I open myself to be a channel for Spirit. From today's Daily Word....

   A Chinese proverb states that learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. All my triumphs and tribulations are to be treasured. With each experience, I learn more about myself and my purpose. With every situation, I see the world from a new perspective, and I grow.
Each stage of my life has its challenges and rewards, and brings wisdom and insight. How exciting to know life’s lessons are unfolding! How wonderful that each day inspires new growth!
My life is not stagnant or dull, but filled with new joys. I look forward to each day, ready to learn about myself and the world. I treasure my life and all its lessons.
  So, for today, May I lead people who are attending to see from a new perspective, to see and experience Spirit from a deeper place. May the Spirit Dolls that are created today, bring joy and sweet blessings to their creators. May we all treasure the lessons life brings us.
  Namaste and Sweet Blessings.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Choose freedom

Freedom is a state of being beyond external circumstances. I can experience freedom regardless of what I see outside myself. I choose to be positive in my thoughts and feelings, attitudes and perceptions. By choosing to focus on the good, I am free.
I release negative thoughts and emotions, and feel lighter in mind, body, and soul. I nurture my mind with ideas of health and well-being and experience the freedom of a balanced and productive life. My outlook is positive—I expect only good.
Freedom is a choice, a state of mind. By holding positive thoughts and feelings, I experience life to the fullest. Today I choose to be optimistic. Today I choose my freedom.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Remembering the Truth

I strive to always remember that God’s grace is my divine inheritance; I was born with it. But it's so easy to forget that I am as God created me—a perfect and unique expression of the Divine. Truth is, only if I give power to doubt or fear can I experience separation from God. When I am centered in the unconditional love of God, I live in grace and Oneness.
Jesus exemplified grace by demonstrating unconditional love. Through his Christ nature, he saw the Divine in all people, even those excluded by others. Like Jesus, I believe the Christ nature—the presence of God—lives in me and in every being. As I release any doubts of God’s love, I accept and celebrate the divine nature in me and in all.
As I fully live in God’s grace, I experience the Truth of God’s perfect love. And that's the truth!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I trust the spirit of God in you, and I know that all is well.

I may sometimes wish my loved ones would think or act differently. I may be concerned their actions or decisions will bring them harm or unhappiness. I may hope they were more open to the blessings of life.
However well-intentioned I may be, I must free myself and my dear ones from my anxiety and worry. I turn my loved ones over to God and trust they will be safe. Just as the Presence is strong in me, the same is true for them. The spirit of God is at work and good is unfolding in their lives, no matter what I see.
When I am concerned about my family and friends, I pray affirmatively: The spirit of God is with you, and I trust God in you. I see you as God sees you, with love. All is well. With faith, I release my loved ones to Spirit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Clearing Clouds of Confusion

Confusion can sometimes get me down. Sometimes I’m unsure about what to do in a given situation. Circumstances may call for a particular action that does not feel right to me. Sometimes I'm confused by which road to take.
  Although I could simply do what others want me to do, or I could take the 'easy' road, I want to act from integrity. So, I choose to be true to myself. At times like these, I pray. I become quiet and listen for the still, small voice of Divine Mind, which is NEVER confused.
  Aligned with Spirit, I receive the direction I seek and the wisdom I desire. The clouds of confusion clear up. I find the courage to do what is mine to do without doubt. Assured of God’s guidance, I move forward with confidence and conviction. As I bravely act in integrity, I feel at peace and trust in the perfect outcome for all concerned. Attuned to Divine Mind, I discover the truth that brings freedom.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Forgiveness, for myself and others

I love that when a kitten has wandered away from its mother, she gently brings it back home. The mother does not have negative feelings toward the kitten but stays focused on caring for its health and safety. But... do I harbor negative feelings, about myself, about someone I think has offended me somehow?
   I want to remember that when my thoughts or actions wander away from love, I can gently bring them back. Harboring negative thoughts and feelings about others hurts me more than it hurts them.   
   Forgiving and releasing anything or anyone that may have harmed me frees me to focus on my spiritual health. In my prayer time, I surround any unhealed situation or transgressor in love, and call forth the power of forgiveness.
I extend this forgiveness to myself, letting go of past mistakes. I make amends where appropriate, and release the situation to God.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Divine Order

I give thanks for divine order at work in and around me.
WHAT the heck is Divine Order anyway....?? The Amish call it God's Will.
Rain falls onto the earth, is heated by the sun, and rises as steam to form clouds. When the clouds get heavy, they break open and water falls again. This cycle supports life, growth, and harvest.
Divine order is evident in countless cycles of nature and within me. My day begins as I awaken from restful sleep and ends when I again seek rest and renewal. My body functions in orderly rhythms: the rise and fall of each breath, the steadiness of my heartbeat, my processes of nutrition and circulation. God’s work is everywhere.
My personal contribution to my personal Divine Order, is that I begin each and every day journaling prayerful intentions, and I end each and every day with a prayerful gratitude.
I embrace divine order in me and around me by affirming it, thinking positively, and expecting good results.
And, I am so grateful for the gifts of Divine Order!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Remembering to tune in....

I am tuning in to the wisdom of God. It's always there, waiting for me to REMEMBER!
Spirit’s guidance may come at any time, even when I am not seeking it. I stay receptive to divine communication through nudges and ideas. I may read and feel inspired or receive an invitation for an adventure. When guidance comes from Spirit, I hear something inside me say “Yes!”
   I trust God’s guidance to push me past any resistance from old ways of thinking. I release any thoughts of limitation or fear. Whether I have been planning my next step carefully or feel suddenly called, I confidently step beyond the familiar into new growth. I gain greater awareness of what is mine to do and follow Spirit’s direction with enthusiasm. As I do, I welcome abundant and joyful blessings. I walk in trust, ready to follow God’s guidance.
  Awareness of what is mine to do. Tuning in moment by moment. Sometimes it's hard. Like when I was impatiently sitting in bumper to bumper traffic last evening. My prayer is that I REMEMBER to tune in! Let this be a day of remembering.
   Sweet blessings.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The eye of the storm

I am a center of peace.
When I think of inner peace, I picture the eye of a hurricane. Even with the swirling chaos and turmoil, its center is calm and undisturbed. As I turn to the peaceful presence of God within me, I experience tranquility regardless of outer circumstances.
Inner peace comes from faith, intention, and focus. I have faith in God as my source of inner peace. I set my intention to experience serenity in my relationships and interactions. My thoughts and attitudes are focused on peace. With this practice, I experience inner stillness, a calm deep within where nothing can disturb me. I am in the “eye” of the storm. I am the peace that stands secure and strong in the awareness of God.
   When I was recently on my 16 day trip, it wasn't difficult to find that deep inner peace. Every room I stayed in had been cleaned and prepared for me. Life was easy, exciting, and there were little or no frustrations.
   Home again now for a few days... I'm remembering many frustrations that were absent during my travels. So, in the face of the 'normal' frustrations, during those times when my peace of mind is challenged, I need to remember the good words of today's Daily Word. I am the eye of the hurricane. While frustrations swirl around me, my inner core is at One with the awareness of Divine Mind, God.
And so it is.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Holy Intention

Rooted in God, I am peaceful, courageous, and strong.
Every fiber of my being is divine substance. I am made in the image and likeness of God. I may look like a separate part of the whole, but underneath my human nature is the vastness of Spirit. I am a wave that belongs to the ocean.
  I am never separate from God because God is everywhere present. Worry and anxiety are signs I have forgotten this Truth. To remember it, I pause, feel my breath, and meditate. I may start by being aware of body sensations—my heartbeat, my feet on the ground. In God, I breathe and live. I am part of the ocean of existence. Everything outside and inside me is God.
   As I focus on Divine Intelligence, I let go of any concerns. Rooted in God, I live in Oneness and peace.
  I prayerfully and with Holy Intention, let go of worry and anxiety, reminding myself moment to moment, that I am never separate from Divine Intelligence, God.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

An inside out job

When electrical equipment malfunctions, I first check to see whether it is plugged in. Similarly, when I experience dysfunction or disease in mind or body, I check whether I am “plugged in” to God. If I have harbored faulty ideas, I let them go. If I have given power to beliefs of disharmony or sickness, I disconnect from those thoughts and reconnect to Truth.

And so, today's Daily Word reminds me to stay 'plugged in' to the Divine Mind. As I complete my journey home today, after this amazing two week trip to the Pacific Northwest, I keep myself plugged in to the Divine, reminding myself that I am part of the whole, that it's an inside out job.
and so it is,

Monday, November 3, 2014

Deep gratitude for daily prayer

Myrtle Filmore, co founder of Unity Church, stayed focused through daily prayer, affirming words of praise and encouragement to her body. She continued to declare health as the truth of her being, until her body responded and the good she claimed was fully manifest.  And so I try to follow that grand example. Daily prayer, morning and night. Some people drop to their knees, I prefer to write my prayerful affirmations in a journal.
   This past month, I've been led to take my prayer commitment one step further, by writing a prayer in here, hopefully every day. With my fervent prayer, my hope is that I can hold the space for good, that those I pray for walk in the blessings of the Light of God.
   My son and his wife begin a month long journey to Thailand today. My prayer and affirmation is that this will be the magical trip of a lifetime for them. They will be safe and will experience joy, love, and deep fulfillment.
   And so it is.
   With deep gratitude and sweet blessings.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

An adventure

This morning I am preparing to leave the beautiful area of Port Townsend, Discovery Bay, Washington. I have a choice of two routes: to take the direct route to my next destination, Cannon Beach in Oregon. Or, to take the scenic route, two hours longer, way more remote, through the rain forest of Western Washington. My guidance has been split... and it feels like one of those challenges that I know I'll be sorry if I don't give it a try.  So, here is the wisdom from today's Daily Word!

I am strong of heart, courageous,and triumphant.
I may possess great physical strength, mental capacity, or both. However, neither of these is the source of my true power. Only the presence of God in my heart brings the steadfast courage and fortitude to overcome any challenge.
I find my inner strength when I connect with God in the Silence. Spirit within encourages me to be loving, authentic, and brave. I live fearlessly in each moment as God inspires me to move forward with confidence and zeal. I welcome each new challenge as an adventure, with a sense of gratitude and joy.
Heartened by Spirit, I accomplish all that is mine to do with deep assurance. I do not merely survive and endure difficulties, I thrive! Through Spirit within, I live triumphantly!

Thank you God for your amazing gifts!